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Long Thread Media

Spin-Off, Winter 1996 Digital Edition

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Build your own charkha! Marilyn Rishel Sult gives instructions on how to build a charkha from a cigar-box.  Deborah Robson gives a thorough explanation of all the charkha’s parts and how to assemble one from scratch. Plus, learn charkha fundamentals and how they work to spin fine, high-twist yarns.


Dive into the world of the Navajo Lifeway. Learn about the Sheep is Life event which celebrates the Navajo-Churro shepherds and weavers. Kathy Williams discusses her work to help Navajo families create sustainable income through traditional Navajo textiles.


Deborah Pulliam takes a look at the first twenty years of Spin-Off. Ron Antoine  gives his thoughts on old spinning wheels. Get advice on how to avoid pills, from fiber preparations, to spinning, to knitting. Plus, find projects for knitted triangular lace shawls, a week-and-a-day beret, gloves, and a felted hat.

In every issue, you will be amazed at the amount of information packed into these pages:

  • Be inspired by spinners from all over the world. In each issue, you’ll meet spinners with unique stories to tell.
  • Explore a variety of spinning techniques. Get an up-close look at piles of gorgeous handspun yarns and learn how to make them for yourself.
  • Test your spinning skills with projects that use your handspun yarns.
  • And so much more!

This issue was scanned from an original print issue.

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Spin-Off Winter 1996 Digital Edition