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Long Thread Media

Spin-Off, Spring 1995 Digital Edition

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This issue of Spin-Off is all about hand spindles! Find articles on drop spindle basics, spinning cotton on a high-world spindle, creating and using wrist distaffs, spinning with a supported spindle, and more. There are also features on spindles and spinning from around the world, such as Akha spinning, Peruvian spinning, Turkish spindles, and Navajo spindles.


This issue also has sweet little bears to entice the child in all of us. Gain inspiration to create your own teddy bears and clothing. Plus, there is an article on working with camel fiber. Other projects in this issue include miniature Bulgarian socks, a sample bear, and a bear's jacket, britches, and  hat.


In every issue, you will be amazed at the amount of information packed into these pages:

  • Be inspired by spinners from all over the world. In each issue, you'll meet spinners with unique stories to tell.
  • Explore a variety of spinning techniques. Get an up-close look at piles of gorgeous handspun yarns and learn how to make them for yourself.
  • Test your spinning skills with projects that use your handspun yarns.
  • And so much more!

This issue was scanned from an original print issue.

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Spin-Off Spring 1995 Digital Edition